TOGU at the 6th Annual Meeting of the OSINSTITUT

The lumbar spine in sports The sixth annual meeting of the OSINSTITUT took place on 29.06.2019 in the “Haus des Sports” in Munich on the topic “The Lumbar Spine in Sport”. In addition to the trained OSCOACHES, interested physiotherapists and coaches were again invited. The main topics were Update Back Pain, Return to Activity and…


International TOGU Day 2019

“Your life in balance – sensorimotor training in physiotherapy, sport and fitness” Under this motto stood the International TOGU Day 2019. TOGU, the premium manufacturer of air-filled training and therapy equipment, invited to Frankfurt on Saturday, 18 May. Trainers, multipliers, dedicated trainers, and health, fitness, and physical therapists came to the event, which provides industry…


Befriend your office chair: dynamic sitting

Discover dynamic sitting for yourself with the Original Dynair® Ball Cushion® from TOGU. This versatile cushion not only strengthens your back muscles, but also provides intensive balance and coordination training. Ideal for promoting active sitting in an office chair, it activates the deeper back muscles through constant balancing movements and noticeably relieves your back –…


Sailing Academy Gran Canaria with TOGU Products

Sailing Academy Gran Canaria was founded in 2015 by Tamás Eszes, two-time olympian. The Academy works predominantly with talented young Laser sailors from different nations with the aim of pursuing their sailing goals and reaching their sporting potential. The Academy’s physical trainings are lead by Mátyás Tóth: During the wintertime we do our preparation for…


6th meeting of the OS Institut

OSINSTITUT “The lumbar spine in sport” on 29. June 2019 in the “House of Sports” in Munich What’s new in the area of ​​back pain? How do I design a “Return to Acitivity” and “Return to Sport” for patients and athletes? And what should be considered in training with athletes? At the 6th annual meeting…


TOGU highlights for FIBO 2019

Healthy Training: Try it – love it! From 4th to 7th April 2019, TOGU presents new products and bestsellers at the FIBO, the leading international trade fair for fitness, wellness and health in Cologne. Highlights of this year’s premium manufacturer of air-filled training and therapy equipment are the TOGU Challenge Disc 2.0 and the Jacaranda®…


TOGU en vogue: FIBO 2019

TOGU® en vogue: „Try it – love it“ in hall 7 / B71 from 4th till 7th of April 2019 TOGU® Healthy Training is en vogue: the training of the sensorimotor system, coordination and balance helps our body to gain stability and flexibility as well. Our products are a varied and effective supplement in every…
