TOGU Healthy Training – the concept

A standard training concept includes cardio and strength training only. In the last few years the development of training and scientific research leads to more interest in fascial structures of our body and how they react on training impacts. So the latest knowledge in this exciting field is integrated in TOGU Healthy Training. But, to…

Prominent visit at the FIBO 2018!

Christoph Kessler introduces “JumpYone” The middle-distance runner Christoph Kessler, member of the German National Athletics Team, German U23 Champions 2016 and 2017 and European Team Champion 2017, will visit the booth of TOGU GmbH at the FIBO 2018 in Cologne. The prominent guest will present the brand-new product “JumpYone” by inventor and certified sports teacher…

The International TOGU Day 2018

TOGU – the premium brand manufacturer of air-filled training and therapy equipment invites to the International TOGU Day on Saturday, June 16, 2018. For the first time, it takes place in Frankfurt in the winter sports hall on the Otto-Flecks-Schneise. Participants can expect exciting contributions from renowned speakers, who, in addition to providing the latest…