Rediscover Pilates – with the innovative PAB® Power and Balance Balance Rings! With a weight of approx. 850 grams each, these rings are the perfect way to strengthen the “powerhouse” – the deep abdominal, back and pelvic floor muscles – particularly effectively and activate them.They not only intensify every Pilates exercise, but also help…

Perfect alternatives to outdoor training

Stay fit through the cold seasons with Jumper® berry and Brasil® berry The days are getting shorter, the temperatures are dropping – doing sport outdoors is often a challenge. But going the whole winter without exercise is no solution either. The Bavarian family company TOGU® has developed two ideal training partners for the cold days:…

Prevention in handball training

Handball is a fast, dynamic and physically demanding sport that continues to enjoy high popularity. Players must be able to meet the athletic demands of this sport and are therefore exposed to a high risk of injury. Therefore, athletic training in handball should include a high injury prevention component.   The most common serious injury…

15.03.2022, Day of back health 2022

TOGU’s two cooperation partners, the Bundesverband deutscher Rückenschulen e. V. and Aktion Gesunder Rücken e. V. are celebrating Valentine’s Day this year on March 15. And have a date with the back. Show heart against back pain – now and forever! More clearly and more emotionally one can hardly express its love to the topic…

Conditions of Participation Competition Facebook and Instagram

TOGU CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION for Facebook & Instagram competitions Organizer of the competition is TOGU GmbH in D-83209 Prien am Chiemsee. VAT-ID-No.: DE291838301 according to §27a UStG. With the participation in TOGU Facebook and Instagram-Lotteries competitions the user accepts the following conditions of participation: 1 The prizes in this competition are advertised in the respective…

Everyday Exercises – Get Fit on the Side

THE SQUAT IN EVERYDAY LIFE – PARTICULARLY SUITABLE FOR EVERYDAY USE There are so many ways to train strength, endurance, flexibility and coordination directly in everyday life without spending extra time. The squat in particular can be integrated directly into everyday activities. In everyday activities such as brushing your teeth, going to the toilet, putting…