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Competition – The Day of Healthy Backs

The Day of Healthy Backs We will support you with back-friendly training tools and practical aids such as the original Dynair Ballkissen. Get some movement and energy into your daily life and take part in our grand competition for a healthy back. Win a Dynair Ballkissen Senso 33 cm. Benefit from years of AGR experts’…

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Active sitting promotes back health

Train your back and your balance whilst sitting down with the original Dynair Ballkissen® by TOGU. We all spend a lot of time sitting down. At home, in the office or on holiday. This time can be used for back health. Especially for the prevention of back problems, active dynamic sitting is ideal to strengthen…

The cervical spine syndrome

by Denise Müller, Grad. Sports Scientist Cervical syndrome or cervical spine syndrome are umbrella terms for aches and pains in the neck area. The most common symptoms are muscle and neck pains, migraine headaches, impaired vision, and difficulties swallowing, which can all develop into much more than just headaches and muscle tension. These symptoms are…

The cervical spine

 by Denise Müller, Grad. Sports Scientist The cervical spine (CS) in humans and other vertebrates denotes the uppermost section of the spinal column between the head and the thoracic spine. The section generally encompasses seven neck vertebrae and is the most flexible part of the spine. In humans, the first spinal vertebra, also known as…

Neck Tension

by Denise Müller, Grad. Sports Scientist We all know the agony – the horrible pain of a tense neck. But what is it about the neck area that makes us suffer from tension and pain so frequently? The area of the throat and neck is the most flexible part of the spine. Your head is…

A Healthy Spinal Disc

by Denise Müller, Grad. Sports Scientist   Each spinal disc is a flexible fibrocartilage connection between individual vertebrae. It consists of an outer fibrous ring (annulus fibrosus) and a gelatinous centre (nucleus pulposus). This gelatinous centre has a high water content and acts as a shock absorber. The outer, very strong fibrous ring stabilises the…