Text: Gabi Fastner, Sports- and Gymnastic Educator
TOGU fascial circuit
The circuit training was forgotten for years. We associate the name “circuit training” with often unloved gym class at school, with equipment such as medicine balls, long benches, ropes, soft floor mats, etc.
“Old” approaches should be dropped and new, innovative training approaches should be integrated.
The training in a circle has many advantages:
- it is varied
- equipment is not required in full number of participants
- the cirular shape promotes social contacts
A modern circuit training should
- not only challenge the major muscle groups, but also the deep Muscle layers
- integrate exercises which set the athlete off balance
- give the athlete a chance to simplify or complicate exercises
- include exercises for chest, abdomen, upper and lower back, buttocks, legs and arms
- Be sure the circles also work out the balance ability, and thus the sensorimotor skills of the participants.
Three stations for a fascial circuit:
Station 1: Aero-Step Pro

Fascial circuit station 1: Aero-Step Pro
Both feet are on the Aero-Step. Deep squat until your thighs are horizontal to the ground. Now put the body upright again, lifting one knee. Switch to the right knee, with the next upward move lift the left knee.
Lift the sternum up and pull the navel gently inward!
Strengthening buttocks, thigh muscles, balance.
Station 2: Balanza Ballstep

Fascial circuit station 2: Balanza Ballstep
Pushup position with your hands on the Balanza Ballstep. Now gently catapult the upper body upwards, leaving the upper body loose and relaxed. From this upward position land soft and gently on the step again. At every landing the position of the hands can vary on the Balanza Ballstep!
Keep the abdominal tension in mind!
Strengthening pectoral muscles, activation of the elastic fibers, strengthen the wrist muscles (fall prevention).
Station 3: Jumper

Fascial circuit station 3: TOGU Jumper
Stand in a wide, deep sliding tackle. The knee pointing toward toes. Place one foot on the center of the jumper. Lift the breastbone. Now jump dynamically over the top from one side to the other side of the jumper. Land gently!
Cardiovascular training, strengthening the thigh muscles, balance, activation of elastic fibers.