Ergonomic sitting posture for children

Good sitting posture is crucial for the long-term health and well-being of children. Especially in a world where digital devices have become an integral part of everyday life, it is important to pay attention to ergonomic sitting posture in children from an early age. Here are some practical tips to encourage your sitting habits and support your health.

1. Choose ergonomic seating furniture

Invest in seating that is specifically designed for children and promotes an ergonomic sitting posture. Chairs and stools with a stable backrest and a correct seat height can help support your back and ensure a healthy posture. At TOGU, we offer a variety of ergonomic seating solutions for children that are not only functional but also attractively designed.

2 Encourage breaks and movement

Encourage short breaks and movement, especially during long periods of sitting. Children naturally have an urge to move and short breaks can help prevent tension. Encourage them to get up, stretch and move around. This not only contributes to sitting health, but also increases concentration and creativity.

3. Design the learning space ergonomically

Whether studying at home or at school, an ergonomically designed study space is crucial. Make sure that the desk and chair are adjusted to your height. The eye level should be adjusted to the screen or books to avoid neck strain. Our ergonomic seat cushions and stability balls can promote a dynamic sitting posture and strengthen the back muscles.

4. Games for active learning

Incorporate games and activities that promote posture. Games that combine movement and learning are a fun way to improve motor skills and promote ergonomic sitting posture. TOGU also offers playful products that combine movement and fun and promote your health.

5. Take on the role model function

Children learn a lot by imitation. By modelling good sitting posture yourself and consciously paying attention to your ergonomics, you set a positive example. Joint activities where you stretch together or take short exercise breaks can become a common healthy habit.

Promoting an ergonomic sitting posture in children is an important contribution to long-term health. At TOGU, we not only offer high-quality ergonomic products for children, but also provide you with advice and support to promote your health. Invest in your future and support a healthy sitting posture right from the start.

What can you do? Our TOGU experts advise:

“I would suggest incorporating sitting balls into your daily routine. Not only are they super comfortable, but they also ensure an upright posture, strengthen muscles and promote ergonomics in children. You can swap your chair for a sitting ball from time to time – this is not only fun, but also promotes a relaxed and healthy sitting posture. Not only will you be sitting comfortably, you’ll also be doing something for your health!”

These TOGU products may be of interest to you:

Dynair® Wedge Ball Cushion® Kids


Bonito® – Bouncy animal