Exercise ball pregnancy

The period of pregnancy and the postpartum period are phases in a woman’s life marked by wonderful changes and new challenges. During this exciting journey, the female body undergoes an impressive transformation accompanied by physical adjustments and needs. During this time, it is of great importance to take care of your health and fitness. In this blog article, we will take a closer look at how exercise balls can be used during pregnancy to support pelvic floor training and promote effective postpartum recovery.

What is the importance of a fit lifestyle during pregnancy?

A fit lifestyle during pregnancy plays a significant role in the well-being of the expectant mother and the healthy development of the baby. Regular physical activity helps keep the body fit and strong to better cope with the physical demands of pregnancy. Specific exercise can reduce back pain, fatigue and swelling. In addition, physical activity improves circulation and oxygenation, which benefits both the mother and the baby.

A fit lifestyle during pregnancy also has positive effects on mental health. Exercise releases endorphins, which can reduce mood swings and stress. In addition, physical activity helps to better cope with physical changes and emotional challenges.

A fit lifestyle during pregnancy helps promote the health and well-being of both mother and baby, and prepares the body for the upcoming birth. It’s an investment in a healthy pregnancy and a faster postpartum recovery.

How to use exercise balls during pregnancy?

Gym balls can be used in a variety of ways during pregnancy to improve physical fitness and relieve discomfort. Here are some ways pregnant women can use exercise balls:

  • Strengthening the back and core muscles: Sitting on the exercise ball supports the back and activates the core muscles. This can help reduce back pain and relieve pressure on the spine.
  • Relief of the pelvis and spine: Through gentle rocking movements on the exercise ball, pregnant women can relieve the pelvis and spine and release tension.
  • Improving balance and posture: sitting or standing on the exercise ball requires a certain balance, which helps to improve posture and strengthen muscles.
  • Promote relaxation and stress relief: Through gentle movements or light stretching exercises on the exercise ball, pregnant women can experience relaxation and stress relief.

There are also specific exercises for pregnancy that can be performed with the exercise ball. However, it is important that pregnant women respect their individual limits and listen to their body to avoid overexertion.

What pelvic floor exercises can be done with the exercise ball during pregnancy?

Pregnant women can use the exercise ball to perform various pelvic floor exercises to strengthen and support the pelvic floor during pregnancy. Here are some examples of pelvic floor exercises with the exercise ball:

  • Pelvic floor contractions: Sit on the exercise ball and make sure your feet are flat on the floor. Then slowly tense your pelvic floor muscles and hold the contraction for a few seconds. Then relax the pelvic floor and repeat the exercise several times.
  • Pelvic floor elevators: Place the exercise ball between your thighs and gently squeeze. Then tighten your pelvic floor and slowly lift your bottom off the ball. Hold this position for a few seconds and then lower your bottom back down. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • Pelvic floor bridge: Lie on your back on the floor and place your feet on the exercise ball. Lift your buttocks off the floor by tensing your pelvic floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and then lower your butt back down. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • Pelvic Floor Stretch: Sit on the exercise ball and place your hands on your thighs. Breathe in deeply and as you exhale, allow your pelvic floor to become loose and relaxed. Do this breathing and relaxation exercise several times.

It is important that when doing pelvic floor exercises with the exercise ball, you are careful not to overtighten or overload your pelvic floor. Start with light exercises and gradually increase the intensity and duration as you feel comfortable.

It is advisable to consult your doctor or midwife before starting pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy to ensure that the exercises are safe for you and your baby.

How to choose the right exercise ball for exercises during pregnancy?

Choosing the right exercise ball is important to make sure it fits your needs and body size. Here are some factors to consider to choose the right exercise ball:

  1. Size: Gym balls come in different sizes, and the right size depends on your height. A common method for determining the right ball size is when you are sitting upright, your feet should be flat on the floor and your knees should form a 90-degree angle. Here are some general recommendations for ball sizes based on your height:
  • Body height up to 150 cm: ball with a diameter of 45 cm
  • Body height 150-165 cm: Ball with a diameter of 55 cm
  • Body height over 165 cm: Ball with a diameter of 65 cm
  1. Material and quality: Pay attention to the quality of the material of the exercise ball. It should be sturdy, non-slip and durable to withstand the demands.
  2. Weight Load: Check the maximum weight load of the ball to make sure it can easily support your body weight.
  3. Inflatability and stability: Make sure the ball is easy to inflate and has a valve that allows for easy inflation and deflation. A well-inflated ball should be stable and not give too much.
  4. Brand Reputation: It can be helpful to choose an exercise ball from a reputable brand or manufacturer to ensure quality and longevity.

Consider these factors when choosing an exercise ball, and also check for recommendations or reviews from other customers. A good fit and quality of the ball are important to use it safely and effectively.

How can exercise balls help with regression after pregnancy?

An exercise ball can also be an extremely useful tool for postpartum recovery. It offers a wide range of possibilities to gently strengthen the body and support regression.

The exercise ball can be used to specifically train the pelvic floor, which was heavily stressed during pregnancy and birth. Specific exercises, such as sitting on the ball and tensing the pelvic floor, can rebuild muscle strength in the pelvic floor area. This helps prevent problems such as bladder weakness and problems with descent.

Additionally, the exercise ball allows for gentle strengthening of the core muscles and back, which is especially important as the spine has changed significantly during pregnancy. By sitting or lying on the ball, various exercises can be performed to strengthen the abdominal muscles and improve posture.

Another advantage of the exercise ball in back formation is that it provides an unstable surface, which promotes the activation of the deep musculature. This helps to restore stability and balance to the body.

Overall, the exercise ball can be an effective and versatile tool to support postpartum regression and gently strengthen the body. It offers an enjoyable and varied way to regain fitness and get on the road to an active and healthy life as a young mother.


Our TOGU experts advise:

We recommend listening to your own body and not overextending yourself. Every pregnancy is unique, and physical changes and limitations may vary from woman to woman.

It is advisable to consult your doctor or midwife before starting pelvic floor exercises or using an exercise ball during pregnancy. They can provide individualized advice and recommendations based on your specific needs and physical conditions.

Keep in mind that pelvic floor exercises during pregnancy should be done in a gentle and controlled manner. Over-exertion or excessive tension can be counterproductive and cause discomfort. Start with light exercises and gradually increase intensity and duration as you feel comfortable.

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