Versatile and back-friendly training with the Balanza Ballstep and Balanza Ballstep Group
Finding your own equilibrium, and being balanced, ensures well-being. This applies both to the soul and to your own fitness. TOGU offers the ideal aid for effective and secure balance training: The Balanza Ballstep, developed and manufactured in Germany. Whether young or old, beginner or professional – it is perfect for any fitness level, and provides versatile opportunities for fitness training at home or in the gym. As well as this, the seal of approval from “Aktion Gesunder Rücken” (AGR) – an organisation promoting healthy posture for a healthy back – acknowledges the back-friendly and health effects.
The Balanza Ballstep is part of the successful Balanza range by TOGU, which is focused on balance and full-body training. It is made of a specially developed wooden panel on four robust air-filled balls. The constant small movements needed to find balance on these dynamic supports require concentration, coordination, physical awareness and mobility. This dynamism activates deep muscle groups, which are important for a healthy back and the stability of the body.

Abwechslungsreich und dynamisch: Der Balanza® Ballstep®
Back-friendly and positive health effects
With balance training on the Balanza Ballstep you also train the muscles which are responsible for the flexibility and stability of the joints. The torso and back muscles are also strengthened. This means that back pain can be avoided before it occurs. With the awarding of the seal “Aktion Gesunder Rücken” (an organisation promoting healthy posture for a healthy back) an independent jury of doctors and scientists confirms the back-friendly and health-promoting effects.
A positive effect on the whole body
The Balanza Ballstep impresses with its versatile and varied usage possibilities, as well as the positive effects.
The main difference compared to conventional balance boards or steps is that the standing area of the Balanza Ballstep is free to swing. This means that training strengthens the deep muscle groups, as well as exercising responsiveness and coordination. It keeps both the brain and the mind fit, and encourages surefootedness and agility. The Balanza Ballstep is perfect both for stabilisation and coordination exercises while standing, and also for support exercises.
Healthy Training concept
Thanks to its versatility, TOGU recommends the Balanza Ballstep for many exercises in the Healthy Training concept, which the premier manufacturer of air-filled training equipment developed in close cooperation with medical professionals. The concept includes various 15-minute movement sessions, which are free to download online, and can be implemented by anyone. Each of these sessions focuses on a specific training goal or a medical symptom.
For healthy group training – Balanza Ballstep Group
The Balanza Ballstep Group is an addition to the existing Balanza product range, and is designed specifically for group-based training. It offers a little more stability than the Balanza Ballstep. This means it even allows joint-friendly and safe jumps.
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TOC Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH & Co. KG
Moritz Lembeck/Michael Scharnagl