balance pillow exercises lower back

Lack of exercise is one of the most common causes of back pain. According to studies, complaints have risen dramatically in recent years, especially among people with sedentary jobs, as more and more people work in front of computers. The enormous cost of lost work puts a significant strain on the economy. To prevent or alleviate back complaints, it is important to strengthen the entire trunk musculature, especially the deeper muscles that protect the spine. In this context, the Balance cushion is good for the back and helps keep the body fit and healthy.

Why is strong core muscle important for back health?

Strong core muscles are critical to a healthy back for several reasons:

  • Stability of the spine: The trunk muscles, which include the abdominal muscles, back muscles and lateral abdominal muscles, form the muscular foundation for the spine. It provides stability and helps keep the vertebrae in the correct position. Strong core muscles reduce the risk of poor posture and misalignment of the spine.
  • Support of the intervertebral discs: The discs between the vertebrae act as shock absorbers and allow the spine to move. Well-trained trunk muscles help distribute pressure evenly on the intervertebral discs and protect them from excessive stress. This reduces the risk of herniated discs or disc problems.
  • Improving Posture: Weak core muscles can lead to poor posture, such as a hunched back or a forward-leaning torso. Training the core muscles promotes upright posture, which takes pressure off the back and reduces the risk of pain and injury.
  • Stabilization during movements: Strong core muscles support the body during various movements and activities, whether lifting heavy objects, walking, running or playing sports. It gives the back stability and protection from injury by stabilizing the spine during movements.

So by strengthening the core muscles, you can increase the resilience of your back, improve posture, prevent pain, and promote overall spinal health.


What is the Dynair® Ballkissen® and how does the balance cushion help with back pain?

The Dynair® Ballkissen® is a special balance cushion designed to improve back health. It consists of an air-filled cushion that is unstable and thus provides a certain degree of lability. When sitting or standing on the Dynair® Ballkissen®, the deep muscles are unconsciously activated as the body must constantly make small balancing movements to maintain balance. This activation of the deep muscles helps to stabilize the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs and to protect the spine at its base.

By using the Dynair® Ballkissen®, the trunk muscles, especially the deeper lying muscles, are trained in a gentle and effective way. This helps to strengthen the back and can help to reduce or prevent back pain. The ball cushion also promotes an upright posture as it creates a certain instability and encourages the body to maintain balance. Regular exercise with the Dynair® Ballkissen® can strengthen back muscles, stabilize the spine and improve back health.

The Dynair® Ballkissen® is tested and recommended by the Federal Association of German Back Schools e.V. and the Forum: gesunder Rücken-besser leben e.V.. Awarded with the AGR seal of approval by the “Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V.”, independent experts from medicine and science confirm the back-friendly design of this TOGU product and recommend it as the ideal device for safe and healthy back training.


What exercises can you do with the balance cushion for the lower back?

With the balance cushion excellent for the lower back, you can perform various exercises to promote your back health. Here are some examples:

  • Sitting posture on the balance cushion: Sit on the balance cushion and make sure your back is straight. Try to keep your balance while moving back and forth on the cushion. This will strengthen your core muscles and promote spinal stability.
    Pelvic Lift: Lie on your back and place the balance cushion under your buttocks. Slowly lift your pelvis while leaning on the cushion. Hold the position for a few seconds and then lower your pelvis again. This exercise strengthens the muscles in your lower back and buttocks.
    One-leg stand: Stand with one leg on the balance cushion and try to keep your balance. Hold the position for about 30 seconds and then switch legs. This exercise not only trains your core muscles, but also improves your coordination and balance.
    Squats with the balance cushion: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place the balance cushion between your thighs. Now perform a squat by slowly squatting down while squeezing the cushion. Then return to the starting position. This exercise not only strengthens the lower back, but also the thigh muscles.

It is important to perform the exercises slowly and in a controlled manner to avoid injury. Start with a few repetitions and gradually increase. Always consult a doctor or physical therapist before starting a new exercise program if you have existing back problems or are unsure.


Dr. Gerrit Sommer, specialist in general and sports medicine, advises:

The Dynair® Ballkissen® combines the most important characteristics for a perfect training of the back muscles through dynamic sitting: Lability through the air filling, stability through the optimal individual adaptation to the body shape and training of the deep muscles through a constant change of the sitting position.


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