One day before the FIBO 2016, we would love to invite you as a health and fitness professional to an active and informative training and education day with many opportunities for networking.

We will offer again a diversified agenda with renowned presenters and interesting topics of theory and practice around “Fascia in focus of fitness and physiotherapy”.

Speakers in 2016 are:
Dr. Robert Schleip, Director of Fascia Research Group, University of Ulm, Germany
Gabi Fastner, Educator for Fitness and gymnastics
Christoph Stumpf, Physical therapist, Baltic-Physio

Speaker’s language will be German. Two professional simultaneous translators (into English) are available. You get a mobile headset device, so you can even understand everything during practical parts. The participation for multipliers is free of charge and the number of participants is limited.

So, save the Date: Wednesday, 6th April 2016

Here you get some more impressions of what TOGU Day is all about.