fall prevention measures

Fall prevention is an important topic for older people and people with balance problems. There are various ways to reduce the risk of falls, such as training coordination and trunk muscles and avoiding tripping hazards in everyday life. Another effective training method is the use of special equipment such as the Senso® Balance Hedgehog. This training device improves coordination, balance and body awareness. In this article you will learn how the Senso® Balance Hedgehog can help prevent falls and which exercises you can perform with it.


What are the fall prevention measures?

Fall prevention measures are an important part of a healthy and active life in old age. There are various ways to reduce the risk of falls and improve physical fitness.

One way is coordination training. Coordination training helps improve balance and body control. This reduces the risk of falls. There are several exercises that can be done in everyday life, such as standing on one leg or balancing on a line. Dancing or walking on uneven surfaces can also improve coordination skills.

Exercising the core muscles is also an important part of fall prevention measures. Strong core muscles help improve posture and maintain balance. Exercises such as sit-ups, planks or back stretches can help strengthen core muscles.

Another effective training approach for fall prevention is the use of special exercise equipment. There are also other measures that can reduce the risk of falls in everyday life. These include, for example, wearing suitable shoes, avoiding tripping hazards in the home, eating a balanced diet, and regular medical check-ups.


How can the Senso® Balance Hedgehog by TOGU contribute to fall prevention?

The Senso® Balance Hedgehog by TOGU is a training device that consists of an air-filled hemisphere with many small nubs. The nubs and the curvature create an unstable surface, which leads to the body having to continuously perform small balancing movements. This in turn helps to improve coordination, balance, flexibility and body awareness.

Training balance and body control with the Senso® Balance Hedgehog can help prevent falls. If older people train regularly with the Senso® Balance Hedgehog, they can improve their coordination and balance and thus reduce the risk of falling. People who suffer from balance problems due to injuries or illnesses can also benefit from training with the Senso® Balance Hedgehog.

Training with the Senso® Balance Hedgehog is simple and can be done at home or in the gym. There are many different exercises that can be performed with the device.


Training with the Senso® Balance Hedgehog – this is how it works

The Senso® Balance Hedgehog is supplied as a set of 2.

It can be used as an unstable base when standing, in quadrupedal position or as part of a course. In order to perform the necessary balancing movements, the brain has to target the important deeper lying muscles. At the same time, standing on the Senso® Balance Hedgehogs strengthens the foot muscles and the stabilizers around the ankle. Their pleasant nubs also activate the receptors on the soles of the feet, making you more aware of your stance.


Self-awareness of the upright posture

Stand in front of the Senso® Balance Hedgehog.
Feel your uprightness.
You stand on the ball of your big toe, the ball of your little toe and on your heel.
The knees are permeable, the sternum is lifted.
Consciously pull your shoulder blades back down.
The gaze is directed into the horizon.











Training of the ability to balance

Now step onto the Senso® Balance Hedgehog with both feet. Try to stand upright.












Senses training

If you can safely stand with your eyes open, now close your eyes for a brief moment.












Step back down onto the floor. Close your eyes and now feel the stance compared to the first exercise.

Are you more rooted to the ground?
Do you feel more upright?
Have you perhaps even grown a little?












Activation of the venous pumps, calf muscles; training of the balance ability

Now roll your feet alternately on the Senso® Balance Hedgehogs. Swing your arms in the opposite direction.












Training of the ability to balance, gait training

Place the Senso® Balance Hedgehogs about one meter apart. Now take a step forward and backward, i.e. shift the body weight forward and backward. At the same time, swing your arms loosely.












Strengthening of the thigh and buttock muscles, training of the ability to balance

Stand with both feet on the Senso® Balance Hedgehogs. Now lower the buttocks as far back down as possible. Then straighten up again.












Strengthening the core muscles

Lie with your sacrum on the Senso® Balance Hedgehog.
Lift both legs and bend them.
The spine is neutral, i.e. in the natural lumbar lordosis.
Now alternately move the right and left leg towards the floor. Only move down as far as the pelvis can remain still.








Strengthening of wrist and shoulder muscles and deep trunk muscles

Both hands rest on the balance hedgehogs, the hands are vertically under the shoulder joints. The knees are vertically under the hip joints. Now lift the knees slightly off the floor and hold this position.









Strengthening of the back extensor muscles, training of the balance ability

Quadruped stand with one hand and the opposite knee on a Senso® Balance Hedgehog. The hand is vertically under the shoulder joint, the knee vertically under the hip joint. Now extend the free arm and free leg forward and backward. Hold this position.









Our TOGU experts advise:

Our tip for fall prevention training with the Senso® Balance Hedgehog is to start slowly and get used to the device and the exercises.

Start with simple exercises and gradually increase the difficulty. It is also important to focus on your posture and make sure that your body stays in an upright position during the workout.

With regular training and patience, you will quickly make progress in terms of balance, coordination and fall prevention.


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