dog fitness

Dog fitness training is conquering the dog world and gaining in importance. Whether in dog sports or for dog owners who want to keep their furry companion fit and healthy – active training offers playful opportunities and creative design. But what exactly is behind the term “dog fitness” or “dog fitness training” and why is it relevant?

In this blog article, we discover the benefits of dog fitness training. We highlight important aspects before training and provide tips for making it effective and safe. Whether you’re looking for new athletic challenges or want to keep your dog healthy, dog fitness training strengthens bonds and makes shared activities fun.

What is dog fitness training?

Dog fitness training includes targeted exercises and activities that improve the fitness, health and well-being of dogs. It includes various exercises such as agility, running, swimming and balance training. The goal is to build a dog’s endurance, strength, flexibility, coordination and balance.

Dog fitness training can build muscle, control body weight, reduce the risk of injury and promote mental stimulation of the dog. It is important to consider the dog’s safety and adapt training to their individual abilities. Dog fitness training can strengthen the bond between dog and owner.



What to look for in dog fitness training?

When it comes to dog fitness training, there are some important points to consider:

  • Goal setting and planning: Consider whether you are training “just” for fun or with a specific goal in mind. Create a training plan and record your progress. Take into account your dog’s other recreational activities.
    Safety: Make sure the training area has no slippery floors and the equipment is safe and stable. Avoid injuries and provide a safe environment.
  • Health considerations: Consider your dog’s health deficiencies and exclude exercises that are unsuitable for him. It may be helpful to consult a canine physical therapist to address any limitations.
  • Set areas of focus: Think about the areas you want to improve. For example, do you want to improve your dog’s endurance, muscle development or hindquarters? Set clear priorities in order to work on them specifically.
  • Versatile training: Don’t train in a one-sided way, but make sure to include different aspects of training. Make sure that the training includes strength, endurance, coordination and flexibility. Individual anatomical conditions should also be taken into account.

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How should the fitness training for dogs be prepared and carried out?

To make dog fitness training successful and safe, careful preparation is essential. Here are some important steps you should follow:

Identification of vulnerabilities:

It is important to identify your dog’s individual weak points. Look for possible muscular imbalances or special needs due to injury or illness. By identifying these weaknesses, you can target training to them.

Adapting the training to the individual dog:

Every dog is unique, so it’s crucial to tailor training to your dog’s specific needs. Consider factors such as age, breed and physical condition. Adjust the intensity, duration and type of exercise accordingly to avoid overexertion and achieve optimal results.

Important steps before training:

  • Warming up and preparing the dog: Before the actual training, you should warm up your dog. Perform warm-up exercises to warm up the muscles and mobilize the joints. Examples include light jogging, slow walks, or targeted stretching. A thorough warm-up will prepare your dog’s body for the activity ahead and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Sensible order of exercises: Plan the order of exercises carefully. Start with easier exercises and gradually increase the intensity or difficulty. A structured sequence allows your dog to increase gradually and promotes performance

Avoidance of excessive demands:

During training, it is of great importance to keep a close eye on your dog. Watch for signs of exhaustion, overexertion or pain. Observe how your dog responds to the exercises and if he is still able to perform them correctly.

If you notice that your dog is overworked, it is important to stop the training in time. Overexertion can lead to injury and have a negative impact on your dog’s motivation and well-being.

By focusing on preparation and following these steps, you can make dog fitness training effective. Personalizing, warming up, sequencing exercises wisely, and avoiding over-exertion will help your dog benefit from training sessions and improve his fitness and health.



How can accessories complement dog training?

A variety of training equipment is a great way to upgrade your dog training and improve your dog’s fitness, balance and coordination. Here are some practical ideas on what equipment you can use:

  • Balance trainers: These consist of an unstable base that encourages your dog to keep his balance. You can train your dog to improve his stability and coordination by standing on or walking over the balance trainer. Start with slow and easy exercises and gradually increase the difficulty by incorporating different paw positions or movements.
  • Ball cushion: A ball pillow is a soft and unstable surface that encourages your dog to stabilize his muscles and maintain his balance. You can have your dog sit, stand or lie on the ball pillow to improve his posture and stability. Start with short workouts and gradually increase the time to increase your dog’s muscle strength.

It’s important to incorporate training tools gradually, taking into account your dog’s individual abilities and needs. With the right guidance, you can take dog training to a new level and promote health and canine fitness.


Our TOGU experts advise:

An important tip for dog fitness training is to keep your dog’s fun and motivation in mind. During training, it is important to create a positive and joyful atmosphere. Reward your dog for his efforts and encourage him with praise and treats.

If training becomes an enjoyable and positive experience for your dog, he will stay motivated and make progress. Remember that the bond between you and your dog is paramount and that training should be a shared activity that you both enjoy.



These TOGU products might interest you:

Dyanair® Ballkissen® XXL

Bantoo® 2er-Set (Animal)

Senso® Balance Bar (Animal)